Introducing the tokenomics of $SPOT, the native token of the BlockSpot ecosystem.
Token Symbol: $SPOT
Contract Address:
Total Supply: 100,000,000 SPOT Tokens (Fixed Supply)
Current Circulation: All Tokens in Circulation
Contract Renounce
Contract Lp lock
Distribution and Tax Structure
Initial Launch: 2.5 ETH
LP Tokens: 28,737,500 $SPOT
Taxation: 6% tax on transactions ( When Live )
3% towards Liquidity Share
3% allocated for development and staking rewards in ETH
Token Allocation
Developer Wallet and Liquidity Pool: Excluded from Liquidity Share
Staking Incentives: Paid in ETH
Unique Features
ERC-20 Compliance: Ensuring broad compatibility and ease of integration
Liquidity Provision and Rewards:
3% of every transaction contributes to LP staking and development.
Maintains the attractiveness of LP staking through consistent ETH rewards.
Specialized Token Types
A Reward token, Earn $ETH Rewards for on chain Transactions in $ETH, $gSPOT must be traded back.
A sophisticated staking platform that allows users to engage in various staking strategies with tokens, it's a tool for users to stake tokens, manage their investments, and earn rewards,
Dividend Tracking
SPOT Dividend Tracker: A non-transferable asset tracking LP token earnings. Automatically minted upon $SPOT receipt and burned upon transfer. Simplifies the dividend claim process for $SPOT holders.
Last updated